Thursday, December 16, 2010

current crush pt. II

It's winter and to avoid being infected with the SAD disease (Seasonal Affective Disorder Disease!!!!), I attempt to put down the Simon & Garfunkel and listen to happier music. I mean, I love Paul & Art, but if I was considering suicide, I'd consider listening to "The Boxer" while doing it.

Anyway, I recently discovered the band Baths and I do believe they'll keep me depression-free for the duration of the winter months. Like winter itself, Baths is both melancholy and beautiful. The band described themselves as "slow and dreary" (like winter itself, too, I guess) which I would agree with to a point, though their music is like a gorgeous slow and dreary, like mid-March when the air is foggy and the snow is melting into slush.

My favorite track off their album Cerulean is "Animals" because I am first, a sucker for lil kids with British accents and second, because it is sweet and I'm able to Get Happy while listening.

enjoy, friends.

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